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Branding for a festival about Vibrant and rich stories, rugged, soulful and deep. Te Tairawhiti is home to the creativity of many.

Between October 4 and 20, we celebrated artists and connections to place while welcoming the world.

During the inaugural Te Tairāwhiti Arts Festival, artists created worlds of wonder, provocation and poignance, and reminded us of the importance of story. They shone a light into dark places, often providing commentary on difficult and challenging times. They also led us into spaces for reflection, and created moments of joy.

Essentially Re-Branding our region in the ‘Arts Festival’ context it was a pleasure working with a diverse and knowledgable team to deliver this Brand Identity.


  • Brand Positioning

  • Te Ao Maori Visual Identity

  • Digital media for Socials & Website

  • On-Site Way-finding System

  • Sub-brand designs for apparel

A Tohu that engages.


The coast, locates us and our region. Our festival recognises that conviction of identity comes from true knowledge and understanding of origin, and concentrates on the depth of connection between things, people, ideas, rather than the breadth.


The sun, cloaks, wraps and infuses us with energy. It reveals the world both figuratively and metaphorically. It gives rise to transformation, disruption, movement and adventure. Our festival like the sun, gives rise to kōrero and kaupapa that is a legacy for rangatahi.


Typified by connection, reciprocity, open-mindedness, generosity and shared experience. The festival brings experiences from within and without Tairāwhiti to inspire, ignite and connect the many people of our nation. It engages people in the creation of content, encouraging thought and dialogue and builds community, unity and understanding with the exchange of ideas and intent.